We offer cutting edge services and care, empowering gospel witnesses to proclaim God’s glory around the world and thrive in their personal life and ministry.
Most missionary agencies originated with a burden or call to reach a specific people group or ministry need. By working together, missionaries and their churches focused on accomplishing a large task. FIM recognizes the importance of this approach. Our origins are slightly different. We started when two local church pastors sought a way to serve and encourage their members who were called to Morocco. That humble origin still has an imprint on FIM today.

It’s Your Call
As a missionary agency, we begin with your call. Rather than appealing for missionaries to serve in a specific place or type of ministry, we ask, “where is God calling you?” With the help and guidance of your local church, we evaluate that call and help you develop it into a realistic ministry plan.
Your Church
The local church is God’s sending authority for missions. We honor the authority of the local church. Every FIM missionary must have a “Key Accountability Partner” (KAP) Church that recognizes their call and supports them in prayer and accountability. FIM serves as a partner with missionaries and their churches to reach people with the gospel.
Thriving through Member Care
Getting to the field is only the beginning. We want you to thrive in the place where God has called you! FIM provides first class missionary care through our Home Office member-care team. Rather than field directors overseeing a group of missionaries, member care is provided directly through the Home Office. Technology makes communication possible from just about anywhere in the world. We take advantage of this technology to encourage you and hold you accountable to fulfill your calling and ministry play. We visit missionaries in their place of service to provide additional encouragement, training and oversight. Wherever God is calling you to serve, you will not be there alone.
FIM values transparent partnerships, by cultivating trust and openness with our missionaries and their churches. We communicate openly and are receptive to the unique needs, calling and passions of our missionaries and their partnering churches. Our expert, caring administrative team serves missionaries and their churches in custom-fit and trustworthy ways to help them serve on the field with confidence.
Commitment to Financial Integrity and Good Stewardship
As a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, FIM is committed to the highest standards of financial integrity. FIM fully complies with ECFA requirements for annual independent audit of our operations, banking
Is FIM the Right Partner for Missions?
- FIM is focused on the gospel. No matter your specific calling, we will help you stay focused on the gospel.
- FIM functions as a partner with your local church, recognizing that churches and not mission agencies have been given authority to reach the world with the gospel.
- FIM’s administrative team all served previously as pastors or missionaries. We understand the importance of member care and strive daily to serve our missionary family.
If you are looking for some of the ministry locations where FIM missionaries are currently serving, click below. Whether the Lord leads you to one of these locations, or a different country, we are here to help!