- She has experienced many changes in a short time: country change, weather change, language change, culture change, friend change, ministry change, etc. Pray for Mona Kach as she adjusts to ministering to international college students.
- Passionate about seeing the next generation of missionaries thrive on the field, veteran missionary, Jon Mahar, has been helping Robert Martin with support discovery. Both of them fly to Japan December 13…Robert for the first time. Pray for them.
- Having taught various courses online for Filipino believers, John & Donna McMath were blessed to be able to meet church leaders in person. Pray for the Filipino churches in the Philippines and Italy.
- Praise the Lord that the church in Queretaro, Mexico is growing. Pray for Oscar & Jenny Mata as they continue to lead this church that they planted.
What FIM Missionaries are Saying...
“I met FIM during global focus week at Liberty University. I knew that I really liked this organization right away because Paul, the general director, cared enough to talk with me and encourage me to follow God's call on my life to be a missionary.”

Christina Guin
Serving in USA
“Don't be afraid to dream. I was always appalled at how missionaries and leaders could throw a bucket of ice water on your dreams and visions because it wasn't their dream or their vision. I am so grateful for the support of our leadership at Fellowship International Mission who not only allows me to dream but fan the flames.”

Lonnie Hodge
Serving in USA
“Thank you for your prayers for us. You are an encouragement to us. Guillermo told the lawyer yesterday that we are with the best mission agency!”

Guillermo & Marcia Aguilar
Serving in South America
“I am very thankful for FIM and their willingness to prepare and send short-termers to help full-time missionaries. FIM is very organized and very aware of the missionaries’ needs. I am blessed to be a part of an exceptional mission board.”

Christy Etsrou
Serving in Togo
“I always appreciate you guys for checking in on me once in a while and for your support and prayers. I can’t think of any way that you could be more effective. THANK YOU.”

Mindy Boyd
Serving in Germany
“If you’re looking for a missionary agency that really cares for the missionaries on the field, may I recommend Fellowship International Mission? Francisco and Dean from our home office staff came to visit and encourage us this week.”

Rebecca Arellanes
Serving in Mexico
“Thanks for your prayers, and support. We feel your affection towards us.”