He found himself in a white room, seated at a table before a lady dressed completely in white. A large book was on the table. The woman asked him his name, his country of origin, and his religion. After writing down all the information, the lady in the dream took a ruler and with her pen, carefully struck out the name of his religion. Looking at him, she said, “From now on, you are a Christian.” She wrote that in the book.
When he awoke, the incarcerated refugee went to the prison chaplain, an Orthodox priest, and asked what the dream might mean. “I guess it means you must be a Christian,” answered the priest, who immediately baptized him and gave him a Bible.
Some time later, the imprisoned refugee was released and told the story to FIM missionaries, Efthemes & Eirini Sioukiouroglou (Greece). Summing up the story, the refugee said, “So I’m apparently a Christian. But I haven’t a clue what that means. Can you teach me?” Now this refugee is coming to the Crossroads Refugee Center and is learning more about the Bible!
Efthemes & Eirini Sioukiouroglou on the left in photo.