J liked getting drunk on weekends. When his ‘mother-in-law’ would come home from church and find him sitting outside, drunk, he would often tell her, “I’m going to go to that church someday! In fact, someday I’m going to be a pastor!” God was at work in J’s life. The mother of his children trusted in Christ and started to take their children to church. The kids came to know Christ. They were all baptized in a local river. One day, J went to church with them. He accepted Christ as his Savior, grew in his faith, and was baptized. Realizing that cohabitation is sin, he and his partner got married. Israel & Julie Zalazar (Argentina) performed the wedding ceremony. The whole family continues to grow spiritually and are very involved in the church. J is being considered for the position of deacon. By the way J is going, he just might end up being a pastor someday!

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