Stephanie had made a mess of her life in New Zealand. She decided to visit relatives in Scotland to get a fresh start in 2000. But her relatives were also heavy drinkers. She found herself trapped in the old life she had wanted to end. Stephanie lost all hope for a better life. On her return trip to New Zealand, dark thoughts filled her mind as she rode the train from Scotland. In desperation, she cried out to God, “If you exist, speak to me!” Turning toward the window to hide her tears from other passengers, she saw a sign: Have Faith in God. Peace filled her heart. Upon arrival in New Zealand, she visited the church that had faithfully reached out to her and trusted in Christ as her Savior! Because tall trees prevented rail passengers from seeing the sign and the church could not get permission from the rail company to cut the trees, the sign was removed. In 2021, Stephanie couldn’t get the desire out of her mind to find out about the church with the sign that she had seen 22 years earlier. Through Google Maps, she located Gateshead Evangelical Church and contacted Dave & Cherie Kelso (United Kingdom). Yes, that was the church! When Dave shared the story with the church they rejoiced. A landscaper in the congregation said that he had just done work for the person who is responsible to maintain railway land. He soon had permission to cut the trees, and now, once again the sign is a silent 24/7 witness: Have Faith in God.