It can be discouraging to serve day after day wondering if you are having any real spiritual impact. Being a schoolteacher is not always viewed as a “real” ministry to some people. Yet Mona knows it is a way of living and sharing Truth and having an impact she may never know about. Over two decades into her education ministry, she is excited that a student whom she led to the Lord as a child is now studying at a Christian university in the U.S., wanting to return to her home country to serve God and others. Joys like this help dissipate the struggles that missionaries face in ministry. Mona is now pouring into the life of another Christian teenager. She says that the teen is a “blessing to me by not only helping me clean my house. She also shares her desire to serve the Lord and grow in Christ. We end up spending several hours after she cleans to eat lunch and chat about spiritual things.”

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