The Lord never intended ministry to be accomplished alone. FIM is thankful for many churches and ministry partners with whom we serve.

Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
Fellowship International Mission is firmly committed to good stewardship of all funds entrusted to us. Your gifts are used wisely, efficiently, and effectively in Christ’s name and for the ministry of the Gospel. To help ensure this, we are members of and support the goals of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. This includes submitting to external annual audits, implementing acceptable controls for managing contributions, providing financial disclosures, avoiding conflicts of interest, and adhering to the highest standards of fundraising.

IFCA International
IFCA International, a fellowship of like-minded churches, organizations, and church leaders committed to biblical ministry was formed in 1930. This fellowship seeks to accurately proclaim God’s Word, exemplify Christ’s character, declare God’s holiness to the nations, and reflect the ethnically blended Body of Christ. Their purpose is to enhance the strength of the Church by equipping for, and encouraging toward ministry partnerships to achieve Great Commission objectives.

Missio Nexus
Missio Nexus is the largest and most inclusive expression of Great Commission oriented evangelicals in North America (US and Canada) that fosters shared learning, opportunities for collaborative action, and produces increased effectiveness through its many mission-orientated products, programs, and services.

Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission
Fellowship International Mission promotes short-term missionary ministry as a means of enabling God’s people to both contribute to and be involved in cross-cultural ministry. We believe that people who experience the mission field are more likely to give generously and may consider career ministry involvement in the future. Joining forces with Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission in October of 2003 opened our short-term program to objective scrutiny with a view to constant improvement.

SEND International of Canada
FIM is honored to partner with SEND International of Canada. Donations to FIM missionaries from Canadian citizens are processed through the offices of SEND International of Canada. Canadian donors receive a tax-deductible receipt for their gifts.
SEND International of Canada assists FIM in providing financial accountability and oversight of Canadian citizens serving under FIM’s administrative leadership.

TntWare exists to help missionaries raise their financial support more quickly and with less administrative overhead. We want to see missionaries spending more time developing relationships with their partners, less time keeping it all organized, and ultimately being fully funded for a lifetime of ministry. Calvary University provides a Christ-centered learning environment to equip students for life and service.