Dr. Paul Barreca taught students at WOLBI Hungary, THE PSALMS! They came from Hungary, Brazil, Spain, Romania, USA, Ukraine, England, Argentina, Serbia, India, Panama, Canada, Poland, and Ireland. He taught a total of 15 class hours and preached in chapel! He also had hour-long discussions with the students during three Question and Answer sessions on missions, pastoral ministry, and biblical prophecy. In 1988, the Lord provided the WOL Fellowship with a beautiful castle. The castle was used as a camp for communist youth. The Hungarian government asked WOL to help them reach the teenagers of Hungary who were lost and aimless because of broken families, drugs, and alcohol. It is a wonderful story that Paul and his wife heard firsthand from Paul Bubar in 1988! 35 years after first hearing the miraculous story from Paul Bubar, Dr. Paul Barreca could return to teach! Paul Bubar’s son, Dan, served as a missionary in Hungary but was tragically killed in an auto accident. Seeing a plaque dedicated to Dan in the student classroom was very moving.