Gailyn Agar (USA) was involved in her church’s ministry to the hearing-impaired in the Huntington, West Virginia area. When she heard about the needs of the deaf in Venezuela, she went to that country in the early 1980s. In addition to a hands-on ministry with the deaf, she was involved in training others to minister to this needy group of people. Then, due to her mother’s health, she was detained in the U.S. Gailyn continued to keep in touch with her beloved Venezuelan brothers and sisters who were ministering to the deaf and providing resources for them. She joined FIM in 2008 to be able to continue with this ministry. After Gailyn’s mother’s homegoing, she moved to Huntington once again to assist in the hearing-impaired ministry of her sending church. In addition, she made trips to Venezuela until it became impossible for her to do so. Because Gailyn’s focus has been limited to the deaf of the Huntington area, the decision was made to continue her ministry under the direction of her church. FIM is delighted that our dear sister will be able to continue her ministry to the deaf and wish her God’s best.