…so I repeated my question slowly in Spanish.  ‘If you knew the way to heaven and I didn’t, what would you tell me I needed to do so that I could go to heaven when I die?’  She slowly gave me her list of recommended behavior in order to get into heaven and then she waited for my response.  ‘So if I did all those things would I know for sure that I would be in heaven someday?’

“She lowered her head and said, ‘You can never be sure.’

“I asked her if I could tell her a story. ‘It’s the best story ever told…’

An hour later with tears running down her face she said, ‘No one ever explained in a way that I could understand, why Christ died on the cross for me!’  Minutes later she prayed to receive Him as her Savior.  I was reminded again today that we need to keep on sharing the Gospel message over and over again because not everyone accepts Christ the first time they hear.  This woman faithfully attends an evangelical church.”

Dave & Denise Love minister to students from the Spanish-speaking world at Rio Grande Bible Institute in Edinburg, TX.  Denise Love in the photo.

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