The young man’s mother left him and the family when he was young, and his father asked him to find his place when he was 16.  When Craig & Debbie Borgard (Germany) first met ‘S’ about two years ago, he was shy and reserved and stayed away from being in a group of people. Over the past year, he has accepted more of Craig & Debbie’s invitations to come to things like a hymn sing and Thanksgiving celebration. He also went with the Borgards to Romania last May to deliver shoe box care packages to gypsy children. The young man not only helped the team in many ways, but he also attended devotions each morning. During the Thanksgiving meal, the Borgards asked each one to say something they were thankful for.  ‘S’ also gave thanks.  When he signed their guest book, he wrote that he was amazed at how welcome he felt at their Christian activities and among the Christians he had met.  Please pray that ‘S’ would find his hope in the Gospel and from God’s Word. Craig & Debbie pray that he would be open to going through a discipleship course together with them. Craig & Debbie Borgard are involved in a church planting team in Halle, Germany, where people are steeped in atheism after years under Communism.

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